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Let’s talk Beauty

I try to prioritize non-toxic products for myself and my family. Below are some of the products that I not only love using but also feel good about having in my home. The other fabulous thing about these products, they run fantastic sales! Always a win in my book. I hope you enjoy! - Andrea

My BOOKshelf

I once told myself to take the time! Take the time to read, it's a worthy pursuit and could quite possibly be life changing. Below is what's on my bookshelf specifically for worship and ministry leaders. These books have touched my own life, but also the lives of leaders I've mentored and coached over the past decade.  My message to you is to take the time. Take the time to read, to grow, to invest in your heart. It will always be worth it. - Andrea

 (PS, As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases)

Grow, Connect, Thrive! The Membership

What if you could lead from the overflow instead of the overwhelm?

What if you had ALL the resources you need to complement your natural gifting, AND you felt supported to not only do your job well, but also THRIVE in your ministry career? Learn more by clicking the button below.



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